Signs of Dying

The following are signs of dying that are often seen. Please know that every individual is unique and not all signs will be present with your loved one.

The Body

There are physical signs of dying

 The Mind

There are mental and emotional-social changes that accompany dying

The Spirit

A person’s spirituality is unique and personal.  Early in the dying process, the person may face issues such as examining:

It is not unusual for a dying person to speak in metaphors about dying, for example speaking about death in terms of travel or a journey, getting to the door, or finding the key. It is not uncommon to see a dying person calling or reaching out to a deceased family member or to a religious figure or speak of visits from or dreams about those who have died before them.  These accounts are usually comforting to the dying person. Rather than deny or correct, it is important to listen and accept what is being said.

A person dies at just the right moment whether it is alone or surrounded by others. Some individuals may seem to “hold off” or “bring on” the moment of death…that is, dying just after a close relative arrives from out-of-town or after an anticipated event such as a birthday occurs. Death may come when everyone steps out of the room momentarily; thus, sparing loved ones from the actual dying event.